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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Back Pain

What's Back Pain ? what causes Back Pain ?

Your back is a complex structure made up of bones, muscles, nerves and joints. This can often make it difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain. Most cases of back pain are not caused by sprains, minor strains, minor injuries or a pinched or irritated nerve. Back pain can be triggered by activities at home or at work, or it can develop gradually over time as a result of prolonged sitting or standing or lifting badly.

Types of back pain

  1. Neck pain

  2. Refers to any pain in the area from the base of skull to the shoulders, can spread to upper back or arms. in severe cases, reduce the movement of the neck and head, also cause tension headaches.
  3. Upper and middle back pain

  4. The upper and middle back ( the thoracic vertebrae ) , which runs from the base of the neck to the bottom of ribcage. Pain in this area is often the result of pinched nerves in the spine by the ribs.
  5. Lower back pain

  6. There are 8 of every 10 people suffer from lower back pain,Symptoms range from tension and soreness.

    Of the reasons for lower back pain :

    • bending awkwardly.
    • lifting incorrectly.
    • standing for long periods of time.
    • slouching when sitting .
    • driving for long periods without taking breaks.
  7. Buttocks and legs (sciatica)

  8. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in a body,starts from the buttocks and ends at the bottom of the legs, Any irritation or pressure on the nerve that leads to the pain of sciatica.

Treating back pain

To protect your back to learn the best ways to sit lifting and driving,because prevention is better than cure. Here are some tips to cure back pain
  • Keep moving

keep moving
    Stability long in one place is not healthy for the back,staying keeping active is important for your recovery.
  • Painkillers

    Take painkillers regularly,but don't wait until your back pain is very bad to visit your doctor.
  • Manual therapy

manual therapy
    If you choose manual therapy should ask yourself some questions : Is there any scientific evidence that the treatment is effective and safe? Who will perform the treatment? Are they qualified or registered with a regulatory body? Is the treatment appropriate for your condition and circumstances? Can you get information and advice on this type of treatment from multiple sources? Can you speak to anyone who has tried this type of treatment?
  • Hot or cold packs

hot and cold packs
    Some simple back pain just need to package hot or cold ,Placed the package on the affected area. If the pain is the result of twisting or tearing Use hot pack , as in the case of inflammation Put a cold pack, do not put the package directly on the place of pain , but wrapped it with in a thin piece of towel.
  • Stretching

  • To strengthen the muscles of your back and relieve pain. You a workout. It is effective in treating back pain. Medical studies have shown that regular exercise reduces a lot of pain and strengthens the back muscles. This is the best movements to strengthen the back muscles.
    yoga movements back pain

Wishing you good health and wellness.

source : NHS choices


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